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Architecture of The Master IE

The 2 years-Master is structured as follows:


First year (M1)

  • During the whole year (Autumn semester & Winter-Spring semester):  courses are held at the faculty of economics in Orléans.


Second year (M2)

  • Autumn semester: courses are taught at the faculty of economics in Orléans

  • Winter-Spring semester: no courses are provided. The semester is specifically attributed to internships and/or research (dissertation writings)



In what follows, students can find the details of the courses provided, by semester and location. Note that all courses are taught in English.


M1: Autumn Semester (S7), ORLEANS site

M1: Winter-Spring Semester (S8), ORLEANS site

M2: Autumn Semester (S9), ORLEANS site

M2: Winter-Spring Semester (S10)

As already mentioned, S10 semester is a no-course semester. Students are expected to spend this semester either in a professional environment or writing up their master thesis.

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